‘God’s Blessings & Favor Be Upon Each Of You!’
'Being a woman of God, I see today more than ever, God ordaining His women to proclaim the gospel to reach people all over this world. It's so vital that women of God realize His purpose for 'us.' We're becoming more visible in ministry and spiritual leadership roles and we must be ever conscious of our demeanor as God's ambassadors. We're being carefully watched not only for our example of Him but for scrutiny also. God knew beforehand what we'd encounter as 'His' chosen vessels and yet He called us! He placed within us all that we need to accomplish what He has said; as we step out in faith and in His authority. "And having chosen us, He also called us: and who He has called, He has justified: and who He has justified, He also glorified." Romans 8:30
My Ministry Vision The vision for this ministry is anchored to the mission for the ministry. The mission is to reach men, women, and children everywhere with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not limited in the methods used to reach those who yet have not accepted Christ, but to go to whatever lengths necessary. To remain diligent in intercessory prayer and enlist the help of other prayer warriors uniting together for this urgent cause. To appeal to the body of Christ to unify in strength and power that we become a force to be reckoned with against satan and his influence over those who are lost. To deposit the seed of the Word whenever possible that it may flourish and produce a life change. 'The truth of God's Word given, will bring light to the darkness in those who are lost!' |
'Teaching God's People!'
God is calling forth and anointing women of God for His use and service. I answered when He called me to proclaim His Word. Though I faced challenges when I accepted His call, I realized 'who' God had made me as a woman of God. It took having faith in what He had spoken to me despite what I felt, comments that others made and then really knowing who I was in Him. I know in my heart that I have been commissioned to minister the Word of God whenever and wherever the opportunity is presented. |
What You'll Receive At This Website It is my desire that the word you receive in the content of this website will have a profound affect in your spirit and on your life. That it will prompt you to share its enlightment with others and continue to promote inspiration, encouragement and spiritual growth. May the things that you read here bring understanding, wisdom and insight to help you and those around you in your everyday life. God's intention for His children is that we freely share with one another the wisdom and understanding He has given to us through His Word. That we continue to be helpers one of another in word and deed according to the precepts and examples He has left for us to follow. "God uses each one of us for His special purpose to gain souls, are you available?"
My Desire For You... It is my desire that each person that visits this site is ministered to through the proclaiming of God's anointed Word He has placed within me. And to provoke within each of you the ferver to believe everything He has said in His Word! All that you desire to receive from the Lord is truly within your grasp, if you continue to trust and believe and leave no room for doubt. "When we love and trust God, we guarantee victory in our life!" |
'Seek the Lord's guidance...'
'His Purpose, My Mission' "Be careful how you behave; these are difficult days...be wise, make the most of every opportunity to do good...try to find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to." Ephesians 5:15-17